Contract-based testing 6: Better together

In part 3, part 4, and part 5, I talked about the provider-driven and consumer-driven approaches to contract-based testing. In those parts, we used one type of contract at a time. While reading previous parts, you might have wondered what would happen if we used both contract types for the same integration. Bi-directional […]

Contract-based testing 5: The best approach

In part 3 and part 4, I’ve explained how the two approaches to contract-based testing work. I’ve talked about the provider-driven approach in part 3 and the consumer-driven approach in part 4. In this part, I want to compare the two approaches to each other. While doing this, I’ll provide some more detail on the approaches. […]

Contract-based testing 4: Custom build, just for you

In part 3, I’ve started explaining how contract-based testing works. To that end, I’ve talked about the provider-driven approach. In this part, I want to add to that by talking about the consumer-driven approach. There is more to unpack here than in the provider-driven approach. Because of this, the comparison […]

Contract-based testing 3: Accept, or get out

In part 1, I’ve talked about what contract-based testing is. In part 2, I continued with why we should prefer contract-based testing over end-to-end testing. In this part, I want to start with how contract-based testing works. While doing so, I’ll also go into the details of the provider-driven approach. Sadly, […]

Contract-Based Testing 2: End‑to‑End Headaches

In part 1, I’ve talked about the basics of contract-based testing. I haven’t talked about the specifics of contract-based testing yet, I will do so in part 3. Before I dive deep into the details of contract-based testing I want to take a small step back to talk about end-to-end testing. […]

Contract-based testing 1: Introduction

Modern software architecture promotes the building of tightly scoped, reusable applications. Because of this, big organizations have hundreds of applications working together at any given time. These applications talk to each other via their interfaces. These complex networks of applications can cause hard-to-trace bugs which are often difficult to test. […]